Media Release – NYFL Tutt Bryant Awarded Pluto Train 2 Contract

NYFL Tutt Bryant Awarded Pluto Train 2 Contract by Bechtel to create opportunities for Traditional Owner businesses
KARRATHA, Western Australia, 27 April 2023 – Bechtel has selected NYFL Tutt Bryant, Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation’s Equipment Services business, to supply crawler cranes for the Pluto Train 2 project until 2025. The announcement advances Bechtel’s commitment to create new opportunities for Traditional Owner businesses.
NYFL Tutt Bryant will provide eight 200-300 tonnes crawler cranes at the construction site in Murujuga (Burrup Peninsula) and will service and maintain the cranes for the duration of the contract. The company will support day-to-day operations across the job site, from rebar and civil works to the installation of structural steel and pipework. NYFL Tutt Bryant is a partner organisation of Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC), with many shared members.
“Bechtel is proud to continue working with the Pilbara community and MAC to identify business opportunities on the Pluto Train 2 project,” said Terry Klowss, Bechtel’s site manager. “In Q1 alone, nearly 40 local businesses and more than 20 Indigenous businesses provided materials and services to the project. This level of engagement represents Bechtel’s ongoing commitment to support local and Indigenous businesses, both through increased opportunities for all and investment in the local economy.”
Sean-Paul Stephens, Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation Ltd (NYFL) CEO said the contract will help NYFL support Aboriginal people across the region. “The NYFL Tutt Bryant joint venture is really focused on delivering excellent service, while maximising shared value across our community landscape,” said Stephens. “As a Traditional Owner business, our core focus is on supporting Ngarda-Ngarli people and the Ieramugadu (Roebourne) community. Our business model is based on social enterprise, which means the profits are put back into the community, including purchasing food for Juju-Ngarli (Elders) and families, to help keep our families strong and healthy.”
“This contract is another important way for us to provide employment and training for the young generations of Ngarda-Ngarli (the Traditional Owners of Murujuga), and to support other important programs, like the not-for-profit supermarket in Roebourne and youth sports. We’re really looking forward to getting our cranes on site and doing an excellent job for Bechtel, as well as strengthening the partnership with Bechtel as we build a legacy of prosperity for all Ngarda-Ngarli!”
Yindjibarndi man Kevin Guiness, NYFL Tutt Bryant Director with lifelong connection to Roebourne, said contracts such as these support Traditional Owner organisations to communities.
“I think it’s a really good thing. This contract will help us support local mob,” said Guiness. “When we get a contract like this, it can help us get more young Roebourne people in work. We’ve already got a few young fellas working for NYFL Tutt Bryant, which makes us proud. We’re really looking forward to this partnership with Bechtel.”
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